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A snack is a portion of food, often smaller than a regular meal, generally eaten between meals. Snacks come in a variety of forms including packaged snack foods and other processed foods, as well as items made from fresh ingredients at home.

Traditionally, snacks are prepared from ingredients commonly available in the home. Often cold cuts, fruit, leftovers, nuts, sandwiches, and the like are used as snacks. The Dagwood sandwich was originally the humorous result of a cartoon character's desire for large snacks. With the spread of convenience stores, packaged snack foods became a significant business. Snack foods are typically designed to be portable, quick, and satisfying. Processed snack foods, as one form of convenience food, are designed to be less perishable, more durable, and more portable than prepared foods. They often contain substantial amounts of sweeteners, preservatives, and appealing ingredients such as chocolate, peanuts, and specially-designed flavors (such as flavored potato chips).

Beverages, such as coffee, are not generally considered snacks though they may be consumed along with or in lieu of snack foods.

A snack eaten shortly before going to bed or during the night may be called a midnight snack.

Keep Your Immune System Strong During Pandemic

While gyms are closed to comply with CDC guidelines and sufficient social distance, by walking, running, biking, hiking, or doing home workouts, you can remain active these days.
In addition to external measures of defense, such as washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining social distance, we need to look for ways to improve our natural immunity internally and combat the deadly virus. The following tips recommended by a myers cocktail in Chicago, IL, will help to support the immune system so that those pathogens are ready to fight.
It is assumed, however that keeping your immune system safe will help to avoid or reduce your risk of disease infection. Thus, one of the best things your family can do to stay healthy during the pandemic is to adopt healthier habits - such as eating nutritious foods, getting enough exercise and sleep - that promote your immune health.
Get the nutrients you need: Eat a healthy diet consisting of plenty of fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. Cover half of the fruits and vegetables on your plate. Eat a number of vegetables, especially dark-green varieties. Fruits and vegetables, including essential nutrients such as vitamins A and C, are filled with immunity-boosting capabilities. In order to maintain a good immune system, a balanced diet and exercise are key. Ginger, citrus fruits, turmeric, oregano oil, to name a few, are some of the foods touted for their immune-boosting properties. Although more research is needed, some studies indicate that vitamin D can enhance the immune response to help your body combat respiratory disease.
Be physically active: A healthy adult wants to be physically active every week for at least 2 hours and 30 minutes. Choose things you enjoy, and begin by doing as much as you can. Exercise has been shown to prevent infections, even though researchers are not entirely sure how it helps. Flushing bacteria into the lungs, briefly raising body temperature to kill bacteria and decreasing stress hormones are some of the hypotheses.
Manage your stress: While there is no need to panic, it is advised that we obey the guidance given to the public. Our stress levels have contributed to our worries about the coronavirus and the general disturbance of life, but we recognize that stress can also make us more vulnerable to respiratory diseases such as COVID-19.
Improve your sleep habits: A strong immune system will help prevent infection or fight it off. An immune system that is sleep-deprived does not function as well. Short sleepers — those who typically sleep less than six hours a night — have been shown to be more likely to catch infections than those who sleep more than seven hours a day. Stick to a daily schedule for bedtime and wake-up. Stop devices right before bedtime, eat late-night and workout.
Good hygiene practice: Note, the first line of protection is to keep germs at bay by practicing good personal hygiene habits. By maintaining good hand and respiratory hygiene, avoiding crowded areas, not smoking, etc., you can prevent infection before it starts or avoid spreading it to others.
Most critically, if you or anyone in your family displays any signs of coronavirus infection, seek urgent medical attention.
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