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A snack is a portion of food, often smaller than a regular meal, generally eaten between meals. Snacks come in a variety of forms including packaged snack foods and other processed foods, as well as items made from fresh ingredients at home.

Traditionally, snacks are prepared from ingredients commonly available in the home. Often cold cuts, fruit, leftovers, nuts, sandwiches, and the like are used as snacks. The Dagwood sandwich was originally the humorous result of a cartoon character's desire for large snacks. With the spread of convenience stores, packaged snack foods became a significant business. Snack foods are typically designed to be portable, quick, and satisfying. Processed snack foods, as one form of convenience food, are designed to be less perishable, more durable, and more portable than prepared foods. They often contain substantial amounts of sweeteners, preservatives, and appealing ingredients such as chocolate, peanuts, and specially-designed flavors (such as flavored potato chips).

Beverages, such as coffee, are not generally considered snacks though they may be consumed along with or in lieu of snack foods.

A snack eaten shortly before going to bed or during the night may be called a midnight snack.

Nannies and Coronavirus

You may have noticed that it is very different from your "normal" nanny routine to care for children while their parents are present. Hours, aspirations, and even your daily operations could have changed a lot as well. Change can be confusing and often even inconvenient, however you can resolve it together!
To learn how to care for children when their parents are away from home, check out pointers below researched by nanny Columbus, OH.
Sit down with your bosses and speak to them
To check your to-do list, the first thing is to arrange a sit-down meeting with your employers to hash stuff out and get on the same page. Discuss their schedule of work, suitable activities for the children, the habits of the family, all that COVID-19 has altered or affected.
You may discover that your employers are as unsure as you are about these new challenges! That's why it's so important to talk about it and work together to find solutions.
Discuss strength and decision making
When the parents leave, the nanny is in charge. Children are presumably used to this change from one figure of authority to another by now. But what happens when all figures of authority are in the home? It can confuse children and make things more difficult for adults.
Speak about who is in charge when and work out how you can "support" the strength of each other in front of the kids at your sit-down meeting. For example, if you say "no" to the request of their child, and he or she runs for a different response to their parent, you'll want everyone to be on the same page.
Set up daily mini-conversations with your boss on a regular basis so that both of you can voice concerns or share priorities or aspirations for the day. They don't have to be formal sit-down meetings; to cover the bases, a few minutes is enough. Also you could be talking about how things went before you left home for the day. (Even before the pandemic, these check-ins were important, so definitely start them if you haven't already!)
Don't forget that right off the bat, or even after you make improvements, things are not going to be flawless! Speak to your employers if a procedure or rule isn't working out for you. If they come to you with similar questions, be responsive and open to discussion. Everyone needs to give themselves a break as you all adapt to your new standard. You, the parents, and their kids. Things would eventually run more smoothly.
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